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Welcome to the ASA Section on Body & Embodiment Website and Blog!
The Body and Embodiment Section of the American Sociological Association brings together sociologists from all over the world studying a wide range of embodied dynamics including human and non-human bodies, morphology, human reproduction, anatomy, body fluids, biotechnology, genetics, as well as theories of embodiment, virtual bodies, productivity of bodies, changing bodies, life course and the body, body and spirit/soul, unequal bodies, micro and macro sociological analysis of the political, and social and individual bodies.
Through our website, blog, and section activities, we seek to encourage and enhance theory, research, teaching, and other professional aspects in the study of sociology and body/embodiment. We also promote communication, collaboration, and consultation among scholars in the interdisciplinary study of the body and embodiment, as well as with other sections of the ASA.
If you are interested in joining the section, log in to the ASA member portal and add our section to your membership. If you are not a current ASA member, you can join here.
Through our website, blog, and section activities, we seek to encourage and enhance theory, research, teaching, and other professional aspects in the study of sociology and body/embodiment. We also promote communication, collaboration, and consultation among scholars in the interdisciplinary study of the body and embodiment, as well as with other sections of the ASA.
If you are interested in joining the section, log in to the ASA member portal and add our section to your membership. If you are not a current ASA member, you can join here.
For more information you can also check out the ASA website!