Welcome to 2022-2023!
Welcome to 2022-2023!
by Michelle Smirnova
Associate Professor of Sociology & Affiliate Faculty of Race, Ethnic, & Gender Studies
University of Missouri-Kansas City
ASA Section on Body and Embodiment Chair
I’m incredibly honored and excited to serve as the Chair of this vibrant and engaged section of ASA. I wanted to begin by thanking Kjerstin Gruys (outgoing Chair), Krystale Littlejohn (outgoing Secretary/Treasurer), and Piper Sledge (incoming Secretary/Treasurer) for all of their leadership and guidance in making sure our section remains strong. I’d also like to thank all past and current council members for all that you've done (and continue to do) for the section. And, of course, thank you to all of our section members.
We are a small but mighty section and have a lot of exciting initiatives in development to increase our membership and build upon and create new collaborations and synergies with other sections at ASA. This will include some virtual and in person mentorship and membership initiatives and sharing a reception with other sections at ASA. Further, in addition to our section’s own session at ASA entitled, “Educating, Disciplining, and/or Empowering Bodies,” we are sharing a panel with the Collective Behavior and Social Movements section entitled, "Post Roe: Learning from the past, living in the present and planning for the future." We hope to see members’ timely and important research featured in each of these sessions.
In addition to creating more outlets for our members to present their work (and for others to learn about their innovative research), our council has voted to shift from alternating our best article and best book awards every other year to offering each award each year. This decision was made in response to the robust and deep pool of submissions these past few years and the challenge of selecting only one award winner.
As such, please be on the lookout for correspondence via ASA Connect as we circulate our call for section award nominations, which will include a graduate student paper award, as well as a best article and best book award for the section. As we are migrating to ASA Connect, you will no longer receive the traditional listserv digest, but you can log into the system to set up your communications preferences.
I look forward to serving the section this year, in particular learning from and getting to know all of you (and your work)! Please be in touch should you have any suggestions or feedback for how we can make this section meet the needs of our members.
In solidarity,
Michelle Smirnova
Chair, ASA Section on the Sociology of Body & Embodiment
pronouns: she/her
by Michelle Smirnova
Associate Professor of Sociology & Affiliate Faculty of Race, Ethnic, & Gender Studies
University of Missouri-Kansas City
ASA Section on Body and Embodiment Chair
I’m incredibly honored and excited to serve as the Chair of this vibrant and engaged section of ASA. I wanted to begin by thanking Kjerstin Gruys (outgoing Chair), Krystale Littlejohn (outgoing Secretary/Treasurer), and Piper Sledge (incoming Secretary/Treasurer) for all of their leadership and guidance in making sure our section remains strong. I’d also like to thank all past and current council members for all that you've done (and continue to do) for the section. And, of course, thank you to all of our section members.
We are a small but mighty section and have a lot of exciting initiatives in development to increase our membership and build upon and create new collaborations and synergies with other sections at ASA. This will include some virtual and in person mentorship and membership initiatives and sharing a reception with other sections at ASA. Further, in addition to our section’s own session at ASA entitled, “Educating, Disciplining, and/or Empowering Bodies,” we are sharing a panel with the Collective Behavior and Social Movements section entitled, "Post Roe: Learning from the past, living in the present and planning for the future." We hope to see members’ timely and important research featured in each of these sessions.
In addition to creating more outlets for our members to present their work (and for others to learn about their innovative research), our council has voted to shift from alternating our best article and best book awards every other year to offering each award each year. This decision was made in response to the robust and deep pool of submissions these past few years and the challenge of selecting only one award winner.
As such, please be on the lookout for correspondence via ASA Connect as we circulate our call for section award nominations, which will include a graduate student paper award, as well as a best article and best book award for the section. As we are migrating to ASA Connect, you will no longer receive the traditional listserv digest, but you can log into the system to set up your communications preferences.
I look forward to serving the section this year, in particular learning from and getting to know all of you (and your work)! Please be in touch should you have any suggestions or feedback for how we can make this section meet the needs of our members.
In solidarity,
Michelle Smirnova
Chair, ASA Section on the Sociology of Body & Embodiment
pronouns: she/her